
Posts Tagged ‘self motivation’

What new Experience you have in your life – Improve Yourself

In CAREER ARTICLES on August 15, 2008 at 4:25 pm

What Are You Doing That’s Different to Last Year?

What did you do yesterday or last week or last month that you had never done before? What new experiences are you having this year that you have never had in any other year of your life? What are you doing to make sure that your life is an exciting adventure rather than a boring routine?

When a baby comes into the world it is born into an exciting place full of new and interesting experiences. For the first few years of life that baby is on an adventure of discovery. He or she learns to walk and to talk. She learns to feed herself. She discovers new sensations each and everyday. If you watch a baby exploring his world you will see what an amazingly interesting place this world can be.

As we grow into children we learn new things, find new games to play and have new, interesting experiences. Life is still exciting. But somewhere along the way to adulthood most people fall out of “life the exciting adventure” and land in “life the dull routine”. What happened?

Adults replace their childhood sense of adventure with a sense of fear. They are afraid to try something new in case it doesn’t work out. They are afraid of doing something different in case they look stupid. They are afraid to go somewhere that they’ve never been in case they don’t like it. They are living each day in fear and allowing fear to steal the excitement out of their life.

Why not throw fear out of your life and rediscover the enthusiasm for living that you had as a child? If you want to discover the possibilities for your life you need to become an explorer, you need to try new things and find rewards that you didn’t even know existed.

Here are a few possibilities you could try. As you read them watch your reactions and see if you are being ruled by fear or by the enthusiasm of possibility.

– You could learn something new just for the fun of it.
– You could go somewhere where you have never been before.
– You could move to another country and live there for a few years.
– You could give your old friends a break and find new friends.
– You could take up a new hobby.
– You could stop watching television.
– You could learn a new language.
– You could change careers
– You could do something you’ve always wanted to but haven’t yet done.

Top 11 Principles to SUCCESSFUL life

In CAREER ARTICLES on August 15, 2008 at 4:21 pm

Top 11 Principles to SUCCESSFUL life

Success is not just reserved for a chosen few. Everyone, yes everyone, has the capacity to be successful in every area of his or her life. Success results from cultivating certain habits and sticking to them.

Consistency is a must. Successful people have a certain type of personality. Successful people think in a particular way, talk in a particular way and act in a particular way.

Do you want to be successful too? Here are 11 principles of success that are bound to help you if you follow them.

1. Develop a clear vision of what exactly you want to achieve in your life. Carry this vision in your mind at all times. This is the starting point to success.

2. Believe without any doubt that you will achieve your dreams.

3. Stay away from negative influences such as negative people, books, articles, etc. Surround yourself with things that boost your belief in yourself and your future success.

4. Take responsibility for your future. Do not depend on anybody. Take responsibility for your life and don’t doubt success.

5. Make a habit of repeating positive affirmations. Speak out your affirmations in present tense as opposed to future tense. Writing down affirmations is even more effective. This helps your mind stay fixed and focused on your goals. This is also a good way to build your self-confidence and deepen your beliefs.

6. Make a firm commitment to action. Once you decide to take action, stay committed and never give up! Once you deter from commitment, your belief becomes shaky and unstable. If this happens, your efforts will collapse like a deck of cards. You will have wasted all the time and energy you invested in your efforts. So stay committed.

7. Set a specific goal. If you know what you really want to achieve, you need to define it by making it a goal. Set specific goals. Your goals should be precise, measurable, realistic and timed.

8. Work out a plan of action. Break down your plan into smaller tasks or units. Do your task in smaller steps. Take one step or two each day while reminding yourself that each step is taking you closer to your goal. Your actions should be filled with faith, determination and purpose. Consistency is vital to reach your goal. 

9. Never give up until you have achieved what you desire. Persistence is the key to success. Treat every failure as a learning opportunity. But push yourself towards your goal with stronger faith.

10. Maintain an attitude of gratitude, realizing that your dream is becoming a reality. Look around you and be grateful for things that you already have such as a home, loving family, etc.  Just stay grateful.

11. Be a giver – give your time, money and service to others. Be kind and generous to all.

Now you know the principles of success.  Act on it with faith and persistence – and never give up!